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OT Totally: Diagnose this Skin Condition

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I know none of you are Drs, nor do you perhaps play one on TV....however, here is my question:


My mom's visiting from WI and she has been complaining about this wierd skin thing going on on her upper back. She is 63.


About three months ago she had the feeling of a "rippling" under her skin. It didn't hurt but was very wierd feeling. She can't remember if the itching started around the same time, but at some point around the same area it started to itch like crazy. Sometimes the itching would go away with a slight touch,other times not. The rippling feeling continues around the same area with some movement to other areas of the back...it comes and goes...the itching is present most the time. She has marks on her back that I tihnk stem from itching but she insists she doesn't itch a lot but rather just scrapes her back on the chair or something (hard to get spot). She feels like the marks should've gone away and wonders if the marks have less to do with itching and more to do with the skin condition.


It sounds like nerve pain to me.....but then I thought I'd ask...I don't know a lot about skin conditions or that type of thing. And ya, I should go on some medical type board, but this is the only major board I go to.....I figure with all the questions that have been asked on this board...feminine and otherwise,;) someone might have a clue where I can start researching.





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DH has damage to his nervous system from the below his belt down because of an infection in 2004 following double spinal fusion, and this is one of the many issues that he battles on an ongoing basis. Cold therapy (try an ice pack, he uses an ice therapy machine) and taking valium at night help him somewhat with that issue.

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and I think it is nerve related. Shingles houses in the nerve too so it could also be that. I have no good advice, but I use an anti-itch cream and ice especially at night when it really drives me crazy. Mine is on my ankle. I'll have a red mark or something there for approx. 10 days and then it will be gone. It will go from looking like I have a serious skin infection to nothing almost overnight. It has taken me years to realize that it probably is a nerve thing, and I plan on going to the dr. but I want to go when it is flaring up, and that is usually when life is at its craziest.

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Thanks to all! We hadn't thought of shingles at all....and frogppond, what you are describing sounds very close to what she has. Thanks so much~would love to hear more from others!


She says that it's always like something is "there"~~~not hurting always, not itching always, but she is aware of it.

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