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First LEGO League and Science planning


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My ds was a part of a FLL  this year and it was a wonderful experience. It was his first year to participate and I had him do Education Exploration Physical Science to compliment it. It has been a great year. My younger dd (9) is considering joining FLL next  year as well. It would be about 6 hour a week commitment. Is anyone familiar enough with FLL to help determine if she needs additional science studies if she does this? She will be in 4th grade, and I am kind of thinking maybe a MP study like birds to go along with it? Super light . . . or maybe nothing else? I was originally planning Apologia Anatomy but I think that might be more than we need right now . . . thoughts?

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I second Calbear's advice, if your FLL team is not busy year-round. We did FLL four year, primarily during competition season, and that was all the science we did during those months. Between the robotics/engineering/programming and the project, they learned a ton each year. FLL was a large commitment during the fall, so waiting till spring to do more science worked well for us.

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The year we did FLL my kids were still in a science class at co-op, so they got some exposure and hands on there on other topics, but the FLL topic and research was enough for a study for us for most of the year. There was Robotics, plus science involved in researching their invention for their theme that year. We did several field trips as a group to learn more also. 

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