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Language arts questions


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Hi ladies,

I am trying to decide on language arts for my rising 6th grader for next year. She will be using a program that calls for Rod and Staff Grammar, IEW writing, and Drawn Into the Heart of Reading. I’m really not interested in any of those. 

This child will be doing Latin for Children B online with Schole Academy. I’m thinking this may cover enough grammar to where using MP’s English Grammar Recitation may be enough. Thoughts on this? 

I’m thinking of just using Spelling Wisdom for spelling.  

For composition, I’m considering Kilgallon’s Paragraphs for Middle School. Though I haven’t heard much about this lately. Anyone have opinions on this? 

I may also add in Figuratively Speaking and maybe a few lit guides. 

Id love to hear any feedback anyone has on what I’ve listed - especially if you think any of those work well together, clash or overlap? 



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Those sound like good options to me. I think Latin (or a foreign language) is plenty for grammar on its own, honestly. But this depends on your philosophy regarding grammar instruction. I don't know Spelling Wisdom. I like Killgallon a lot. We never quite used it as written, but their books are really an underappreciated option. I will say that some students would probably enjoy more individual writing - more writing that's their own thoughts and responses. But it depends on how you use it, your student, your philosophy on writing, etc. I love Figuratively Speaking. Some of the creative assignments in that would check the box of being a bit more of that sort of writing.

Language arts includes literature. Do you have a plan for that? Just reading is a fine plan for a 6th grader, by the way.

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