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Ideas for a co-op class on gardening


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Has anyone taught a co-op class on gardening, especially to PreK-K ages? We have a mom in our group who loves gardening, but she's never really planned a class before. This will be a 30 minute class for either 8 or 16 weeks. I thought maybe I could ask here to get her some ideas started. 

Thanks! I am not a gardener but love researching and planning classes, so I plan to help her get it together. 

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For that age, I took the format, talk a little about the topic, read a short library book, do a craft or other hands on activity. One day was worms, so I brought in worms in dirt and we held them, and watched them for our activity, got a non-fiction book to help me talk about them and read that to them and we learned that worms aerate the garden, how worms move, why they come up when it rains, whatever was in the book. Other topics might be soil/dirt, seeds (seed in paper towel and next week, after it has split open, look at the insides), flowers, stems, how the sun helps, and the end big activity could be planting a garden-either in a spot outside if it's allowed, or just in a seed in a cup. 

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