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Does Startwrite have HWT style fonts?


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Aww man, now I want to order it. :glare:


Not to influence you ;) but it is a pretty cool tool and you can add whatever text you like. My son enjoys our sheets more than his HWT K book that we bought, so we ditched formal handwriting programs and have been doing great with Startwrite.

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Even though you're sold LOL, how about a sample photo?




This is Adrian's handwriting after about 10 weeks (we are at 15 weeks now) of using Startwrite and also practicing his handwriting through copywork/ spelling with Horizons Phonics and ETC books. Just thought I would add a visual :D. Of course each child is different but Startwrite has worked well for us and is practical in that it can be used for as many children as you like ;). Did I mention that you could also add pictures :)?


Have fun! It is also very straightforward and easy to use.

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OK, now I am even more excited. Thanks for the great reviews and the pics!


You're welcome! It dawned on my afterwards though that I did not clarify that the pic is not from our Startwrite worksheets, incase I confused you or anyone else. It's a Horizons worksheet. I chose that pic because I still have Adrian tracing with our handwriting worksheets and so the copywork that he does is with his Horizons and ETC worksheets. I used it as a sample to show how good his handwriting is after just 9 or 10 weeks at the time. My theory is that if I have him tracing for as long as I can (while practicing copywork though his other programs of course) this will perfect his handwriting. I intend to use the same approach when I introduce cursive. Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that about the pic.

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You're welcome! It dawned on my afterwards though that I did not clarify that the pic is not from our Startwrite worksheets, incase I confused you or anyone else. It's a Horizons worksheet. I chose that pic because I still have Adrian tracing with our handwriting worksheets and so the copywork that he does is with his Horizons and ETC worksheets. I used it as a sample to show how good his handwriting is after just 9 or 10 weeks at the time. My theory is that if I have him tracing for as long as I can (while practicing copywork though his other programs of course) this will perfect his handwriting. I intend to use the same approach when I introduce cursive. Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that about the pic.



I wondered if it was a worksheet you created. He does have beautful handwriting! I wish my boys looked like that :)

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I wondered if it was a worksheet you created. He does have beautful handwriting! I wish my boys looked like that :)


I was afraid of that, sorry for the confusion! Actually I haven’t even taken any photos of the worksheets.


I now make the worksheets just plain. I don’t really have time since we are following a tight schedule to finish by the end of December before the baby comes and then we will start Adrian’s K year. Also, he now has his Horizons Phonics and Singapore Math programs which are in color so I don’t bother. I make my own Greek handwriting sheets, which take some time to do as well. Unfortunately I don’t have a software program for that and the difference between the sheets I make and the ones from Startwrite is very noticeable. For starters the letters are much thinner with Startwrite and this makes it easier to see when he comes off the lines where as my Greek worksheets the letters are much thicker. I still put emphasis on letter formation through tracing and so for four days a week he will do a letter a day (one line capital and one line lowercase, landscape) and then on day five I choose a sentence from one of his readers which takes up two lines and has to be traced twice. I print these on one page front and back. I do the same with numbers only with those I do half a line per number and then the rest he has to copy. We do a different number a day for five days and repeat the numbers from 1-10 every two weeks.


I also wanted to stress the importance of crafts for fine motor development. I schedule many crafts a week and the prep time is quite time consuming. I can see you have many kiddos and am sure your time is pretty limited but I hear for the little ones the Kumon books are great (I intend to try them with our next child). I am also very big on manipulatives and we have used lacing a lot for fine motor development as well. There are several Melissa and Doug and Lauri products in the market that also stress lacing. Yet another is cutting. I had Adrian practice a lot on his cutting in order to help in that area as well.


One other area that I put a lot of emphasis on (bear in mind I only have one currently so it’s easy for me to put all my emphasis on him) is posture and grip while writing. I actually sit behind him while he is writing (yes, I am a major pest of a mom) and correct his grip and posture while he is writing when I see him starting to slouch etc. Last but not least I erase letters or even entire words when they don’t pass the standards I have set for Adrian knowing his capabilities now. We call them our sloppy letters and he will even ask me to erase some now if he sees that they are sloppy. This has also taught him to expect more from himself.



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P.S. Just checked out your blog. It looks like you are already doing lots in the arts and crafts area ;). Wow, you must be a very busy mom! Also, the handwriting I saw on there looked very nice too (not sure who's it was).

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Thank you for looking at my blog. :) I really need to update it soon :blush: We do have some kumon books and the kids and I love them! My 3 yo does his while I school the other ones and they are perfect for him.


Please, you are homeschooling 7 and still have time to maintain a blog! You are my hero :001_smile:! Wish I could do all that with half the kids you have! And by the way, I can assure you the pleasure was all mine. We have only been homeschooling for a year so I love looking at other people's blogs for inspiration, tips and helpful links ;). Love your roomy schoolroom by the way! Ours is rather small. Thank you for sharing what you do in your homeschool on your blog. It was truly inspiring for me! It was also great to see that you are using TOG. Hope all goes well with them because I am looking forward to purchasing Year 1 some time next year and am truly excited about the switch!

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