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The Christmas Party Teachers Lounge 12-10-2018


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'Tis the season for the holiday parties! Could also be called the Football teachers Lounge since I worked the AZ Cardinals/Detroit Lions game last night.

Anyway, welcome to the Lounge! Pickings are kind of sparse right now. As soon as the Lounge is open, I'll dash out to the star.

What's on your schedule for today? Here: grocery store run, post office run, making gifts, Christmas party tonight.

Anything unusual happening this week? Here: just many parties. One today, one tomorrow (very small, with one other family), one Wednesday, one Friday (for ds), one here on Saturday. Whew! May need a nap come Sunday!

Who's done gift shopping? Here: almost.

Talk to me! 🏈

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Morning Scrap! Hope it went well last night.

Today is the calm before the storm; other than DD's piano lesson and grocery shopping, we are pretty open. 

This week is full of DS7. He turns 8 on Wednesday, has choir rehearsals Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and then Sunday 2 performances. And also on Saturday we are having his birthday party. It's his first ever party and he is super excited. I'm secretly sad because everyone [sans family] who we've invited has declined so far. I'm waiting on 2 last RSVPs but yeah, looking pretty sparse. I told him that this might happen because of the holidays and people visiting family out of town and he said he'd be okay with it, I just hope the reality isn't too difficult 😢

Shopping will be done this week, I'm still deciding on my last gifts. We were going to do the 3 gift rule this year, but then I realized this weekend Santa also has to get a gift. So really I need to get 4. 

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