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Talk to me about Matholia please


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So I saw in the Black Friday deals thread a link to Matholia.  I haven’t heard of it before and am wondering if anyone could weigh in on their experience with it.  Is it just for those using Singapore? I tried Singapore when my oldest two were 1st and 3rd and let’s just say I am certainly not a great Singapore method teacher.  Those two now in CLE and all is delightful. 

My youngest is now in 1st and doing Singapore just because I had it and didn’t want to buy another curriculum and he (and even I so far) are doing fine about halfway through 1B.  He seems to click with it better than the others did.

would using Matholia next year be a way for Singapore to be taught without so much needed from me? Is that the niche it is trying to fill?

any other thoughts on it?

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Matholia uses Singapore methods although it’s not exactly the same as our standards edition.  We use it as a supplement - it’s great for extra practice.  It may work as a complete curriculum with all the learning videos etc but I’m personally not comfortable to be that hands off with maths.  I’ve found it good because Singapore doesn’t have quite enough review for my kids so they can keep trying stuff till they get it right.

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I guess one thing I’d look out for is the foundation of Singapore is meant to be concrete - pictorial - abstract.  You can get the second two with Matholia but you really need to physically use manipulatives for the first.  It wouldn’t be hard but just something to keep in mind if you are using it as a complete program.

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