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Tomorrow I host pre write-in. Suggestions?


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Ok. So...tomorrow as a NaNoWriMo newbie I “host “ a pre- write-in.   3 more actual write ins to follow in November .

Any suggestions you may have, especially if you have attended one in past that you thought excellent, welcome. 

I think at least one other person will be there. I am considering having some prompts to write from available. Also I am thinking about offering the morning NaNoWriMo prep video (which I would like to listen to and didn’t know would be at same time when I reserved the room) in case the other(s) might like to listen too.  (If no one else does I think I could listen with earbuds while jotting down ideas)  ...

 I could end up the only one there, which would be fine, if that happens I will probably watch the video prep and download Pages and Scrivener free trial. But I want to be prepared for if several people were to show up  .

Our region apparently standardly gives out a marble at each write in. I don’t have any to give yet, but thought maybe I could give pebbles redeemable for marbles later, or star stickers, if I still have any from homeschooling, to self award for days writing gets done. Anyway, the ML said some swag or other is good. They will get me some marbles at another write-in, probably, but I will host 2 before that.  So any idea for easy swag ?

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It went reasonably well. 

4 people which was more than I expected. I learned some things for next time. 

Particularly to make a  time limit for each person to talk.  One person dominated and talked nearly the whole time and I wasn’t prepared to deal with that. 

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2 hours ago, Seasider too said:

For next time - maybe start by asking each one there to give his/her “elevator speak” - what they would say in 4/5 minutes if they suddenly found themselves with a prospective agent in an elevator - basically, a book pitch. Actually set a timer. That way you have a reasonable way to cut someone off. Just a thought. 

Sounds like a fun thing to do. Maybe one year...


Quoting partly just to help you get back here. 

I posted the next meeting which will be on November 1st as being:

 45 minutes writing, 15 minutes social time, with the social time to be divided by number of people present so each person gets same talking time. 


I like your  idea to actually set a timer. Thanks. I’ll do that, both for the writing part and for each person’s time to talk.   Also an alarm will help me to be able to fully pay attention rather than clock watch. 


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