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An editing job fell in my lap. Although it promises no pay, it is really cool!


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A good friend of mine goes to France quite often.  As a French native and friend of the local monastery, she has been asked by the monks to translate their wine pamphlet.  It tells the history of the cultivation of the land for their wines through the centuries.  It is fascinating!  She is translating; I am editing her translation.  An interesting first hand look at why translation is not at all simply word translation.  I was really ignorant of this, although I have heard that.  I am enjoying translating the French ideas that she has put into English words into an understandable form.  And, I get to edit for grammar, which I love.  I am slow and not always perfect, though=)

On a side note, and related to my slowness ... I took, and failed, the Rev.com test for transcription.  I do think I did the transcription accurately, but it.took.me.forever and a day!  Also, the technical problems they helped me with during the test probably did not earn me brownie points.  What was I thinking?  I know I type only about 35 wpm!  It would have come to something like $1.75/hr for me.  Sigh!  Thanks for the suggestions for editing jobs, though. I may just still find small jobs here and there.  Perhaps one for pay!

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