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Prewritten plans reviews?


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I have a kindergartener and a 2nd grader this year.

I have kind of done my own thing for science and history for the past 2 years and this year. I have gotten some books and ideas for history, geography, Bible from Simply Charlotte Mason (SCM). I also used their outdoor secrets set one spring. I have used some of Berean Builders science in the beginning. I have also written my own plans for an around the world science and history study for kindergarten and Greek+Roman history last year. We are currently doing the Middle Ages study from SCM and hopefully finishing Berean builders science in the beginning this year. I am also looking at doing parts of Little Hearts to Heaven with my kindergartener who doesn't like to sit still.

I would like to do American history next year perhaps with a bit of world history for context but not necessarily. I would like ro combine both kids (1st and 3rd). I want more hands on projects than SCM schedules. I am lousy at adding them in and I think my next year 1st grader needs/likes hands on. My older does great with read and narrate (and has since kindergarten) but my younger does not. I also am thinking more of a unit study approach would be nice...perhaps combining history, science, geography, art, music... I have phonics and math and that I love already.

Any thoughts?? With reviews (pros and cons) please;) (I do have some ideas but i want to hear what you all think.) Thanks

PS I will have a toddler and baby next year too;) 

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Maybe this plus some extra crafts? It does have some in each unit. https://history.notgrass.com/elementary/

We are really liking it so far. This is what I posted about it, in regards to my concerns that any history we use not ignore the messier bits of history. Any curriculum that paints Columbus as a hero who never did anything wrong is not going to work for us, for example. At the same time, we are talking little kids, so need it to not be horrifying or give nightmares either. --

This is a quote from Our Star Spangled Story, the one for grades 1-4. 
"Many of the Spanish caused great pain and suffering for people living in the Caribbean Islands. They killed some of the islanders in battles. They enslaves some islanders. Other islanders died of diseases they caught from the Spanish."

I personally find that age appropriate for the grades it is designated for. 

My only quibble so far is with this line at the end of the lesson, "The native people of the New World needed the Gospel of Jesus Christ." My faith teaches that even those who never hear the Gospel have salvation, if they act according to the moral compass inside of them, put there by God. That Jesus died for everyone. So I explained that to my kids.

It then goes on to say, " Some Europeans loved them and shared the gospel with them. Others acted shamefully. Each of us has the choice each day to do right or to do wrong."

I do find that moralizing at the end of each lesson to be a bit heavy handed, and don't remember it as much from the older levels, but other than that I've been pleased. 

The elementary timeline book is incredible - it uses some of the same pictures that are in the textbook so my daughter could recognize them easily. And although it included the tower of Babel and Creation, it left those undated, which was perfect for us as old earth Christians.

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