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Essentials in Writing...not enough grammar?


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We are 3 weeks in to our school year, and I'm already having some concerns. I decided to try Essentials in Writing this year with my 4th and 5th graders. So far there is not enough repetition in the grammar department. I was afraid of that before ordering but really wanted to try it bc it was not teacher intensive and got really good reviews. When we did the assessment at the end of the first chapter, my 5th grader missed so much! It takes TONS of repetition for things to stick with him. So now I don't know what to do. I really do like EIW so far. I'm thinking of maybe trying to supplement the grammar but I'm not sure what with. Suggestions? My other plan was to drop it and order Jr. Analytical Grammar and IEW instead (I had really debated between those two and EIW for our school year), or maybe switch to Abeka. We used Abeka in 3rd and it was ok, although lacking in writing instruction in my opinion.  Or should I just keep it, see how it goes, and reevaluate next year? What would you do??? I'm already driving myself crazy and we've just started. Thanks!!!

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48 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

What are your end goals re: grammar?  That might help you decide it EiW is sufficient. 

We use EiW, but add Daily Grams because my girls need more explicit instruction/practice on the mechanics. 


My goals for grammar are that my children proficiently understand the parts of speech and mechanics. The most important part to me, however, is that they are able to communicate effectively. I do not care if they can diagram sentences and do not want to focus on advanced grammar concepts unless it will be beneficial to their writing.

I've thought about Daily Grams ?

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I never loved the grammar sections either and we supplement them.  Last year middle DD did the grammar alongside Fix It!.  This year she is using the gr.7 level and it's my understanding that there is no grammar for Gr. 7+, so we are using Easy Grammar Plus.

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