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If you use Bible Study Guide for All Ages...


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If you use Bible Study Guide for All Ages, can you tell me how many days/week you use it? How much time you spend on it? Also, do you recommend the Beginner Timeline and the Children's Song CD?

I am thinking of getting the intermediate for my 2nd grader, and the beginner for my Kindergartner, and I would like to go over it at the same time with them both.

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We used it for many years. We used the beginner pages as long as we possibly could to keep everyone together. Thankfully my oldest loved it so she didn't mind. We stayed with the beginner pages until around 3rd grade. When we started trying to run multiple student pages it got a little overwhelming for me and we took a break. I loved the Beginner Timeline and then when they master that, the Bible summary cards are excellent. I liked the CD...to be honest we didn't use 90% of the songs, but the ones we did use were very worth it. So,  not a huge loss if money is tight, but if you can swing it . . . I know my kids and I would not be able to name the 12 tribes, 12 apostles, and 15 judges without it! ?

We did it 4 days a week, with Friday a memory work/review day. We spent around 20 minutes a day and did half a page/lesson a day. 

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We have used BSGFAA for 8+ years. I've tried other programs off and on, but we always come back to this one.  There are so many things I love about it.

We started with it when my youngest was 2nd and my #2 was in K.  We did Beginner sheets as long as possible (like ByGrace3 up there ? ) because it gets l-o-n-g when you try to add in another level and one of those is not an independent reader.

In those younger years, we usually did the front side of the page 1 day and the back side on the 2nd day.  I read the Scripture before we completed any pages.  If it was long "heavy" type reading, I tried to find the account in our children's bible. (Illustrated Family Bible Stories is what we used)

Once we could no longer do the Beginner sheets together, and I increasingly added more kiddos to our homeschool, we've transitioned to using the actual family Bible study together.  There are excellent coloring pages that you can print and the youngers can use while the olders follow along in their own Bibles.

Those coloring pages are also great for narration, summarizing, and re-telling the Bible account later as a review.

We still listen to the CD and we LOVE it! We are a singing Southern family, and they sound a lot like us, so we enjoy it for that reason. ? We don't listen to it during Bible time though. We often play it in the afternoon when I'm fixing dinner, kids are emptying the dishwasher, etc.

We never used the Beginner Timeline, but I always wish we had.

We do use the memorization helps and a few of the fun games listed in the family download.


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We use it.  My older kids are 2nd grade and K.  A couple years ago we did the beginner pages and spent a day on each side (so 2 days per lesson) and did it Monday-Thursday.  This year we're finishing up some of the beginner pages we have but then we're moving on to their "Family Oral Study" (https://biblestudyguide.com/all-family.php).  We don't do the coloring of the lessons anymore.  I'm mostly using it for a guide.  Our typical week looks like this:

Monday/Wednesday: ask some of the questions on the front of the lesson, read the back of the lesson.
Tuesday/Thursday: read the actual Bible text from the International Children's Bible.  Do the front of the lesson application.
Friday: we do something different during our Bible time.

It takes us 5-20 minutes depending on discussion, but we're not doing the coloring anymore.  I'm not using the timeline or the CD so can't speak to the usefulness of those.

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