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Science In the Beginning for K, 2nd, & 4th?


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I've been considering using Jay Wile's Science in the Beginning for my K'er, 2nd grader, and 4th grader next year (all boys).  Is it something that would work well for those ages?  The K'er would just be along for the ride...it'd be nice if he was interested in it, but if not, that's ok too.  I was planning on using God's Design for Heaven & Earth but looking at the reading, I think their eyes will glaze over if I try to do that.  Science in the Beginning looks more interesting.

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It would probably be great for the 4th grader, not sure about the 2nd grader (might depend on if he likes science or not), and might be over the K'er's head. When I did it, my youngest was 1st grade and he didn't get it at all. I would ask him the questions at the end of the lessons and he would give me the most amusing (wrong) answers. But it sounds like you are expecting as much. My older kids (5th and 3rd) got a lot out of it at the time. In fact, my then-5th grader had never really liked science before then and he really enjoyed it.

I did use God's Design Heaven and Earth when mine were in 4th, 2nd and K and we had a lot of fun with it. My oldest was really interested in science at the time, though, and liked reading God's Design books for fun, so that may make a difference. I know other people say they find the writing dry, but we never have.

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I would say unless you have a really gifted K it will go over their head. It would be a stretch for typical kids under 3rd. It is good for a 3rd grader and truly fantastic for a 4th/5th/6th grader. I feel to get the most out of the readings and experiments, upper elementary is the ideal range. I know the books say across elementary and because there are 5 books it seems you should be able to go 2nd to 6th but these books are just so much more enjoyable with a slight grade shift. Just my two cents. 

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I did it with a Kindergartner this past year and while she enjoyed the daily experiments and looking at pictures she was unimpressed with all the reading. A friend of my daughter's is a second grade little boy, and while he enjoyed the hands-on aspect, he did not like the rest of it, it didn't seem 'written' to him. Your son might be different, but I would say the program is more aimed to 3rd/4th grade and up. It is awesome for daily experiments pertaining to each day God made though. So I would use it as a spine and rework it if you really wanted to make it something for you.

Edited by JaLeSherman
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