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Elevated TSH in 13yo dd

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Just found out today that 13yo dd has elevated TSH levels. She's been a little, um.... off-kilter lately and has gained weight. She's just VERY emotional and I chalked it all up to emerging puberty.


What do I need to know about this, esp for a teen? We go on Monday to talk to the doctor and perhaps do further testing??


My mother has hypo-thyroidism, but didn't have it until she was about 40. So I don't have any idea what to expect or do for a teen.



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My sister was diagnosed Hypo at age 3. My mother at about 20, my brother at 38 and me at 40. My sister has taken a thyroid pill since she was three. My mother said it really helped her behavior and she could tell right away that she really felt better. As a teenager, we could tell when she had forgotten to take her medication.


I think you'll find its very treatable with medication and not a big deal. Your doctor will be able to make you feel better about it.

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My dd was OVERLY emotional--and AGRESSIVE. A pretty big change from the sweet little girl. Once she hit puberty (at 9.5) she started acting out. It took years before we had a Dr willing to look at her thyroid as the potential trouble maker.


It is AMAZING how one little pill can make such a huge difference.


I would suggest going to a pediatric endocrinologist--they will do a better job at getting the appropriate tests and adjusting the dose (something that can be tricky) of the meds.


Thyroid supplements are among the safest drugs that one can take. DD has experienced ZERO side-effects.

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These are very encouraging answers. Thank you!


My dd has gone from a sweet, compliant, helpful girl to a very hard to be around, whiny, tantrum thrower!! I have felt like pulling my hair out more than once with her.


I feel TERRIBLE I didn't look at it this way sooner. She's been saying things hurt, too. Her back, her shoulders, off and on, comes and goes. I just thought it was all puberty, hormones and bad attitudes. I feel AWFUL. I have given her so many consequences for her bad behavior-- not that it's an excuse, but a person can only take so much of not feeling well before they're going to act out-- and now I feel like a real heel.


Well, I hope we figure this out soon. I'm anxious to see the doctor Monday and get the rest of the bloodwork done.

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