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Best On-Line Vitamin Source?

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My dd takes the liquid fish oil, which is really hard to find in stores (around here) they all have chewables, which have some kind of sugar. Also, we seem to take A LOT of supplements. I've ordered from luckyvitamins.com, but that's about it. Best prices?? I'd like feedback before I order again!:001_smile:


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iherb.com consistently has the best prices. it might not look like it at first, but at the 'moment' of checkout there is another discount that's applied. so even if free shipping isn't applied (depending on how much you spend), the prices still work out in your favor.


it's cheaper than luckyvitamin.com (overall), cheaper than vitacost.com and ime the orders consistently go out same day if you order prior to 11 am PST. vitacost.com is slower......luckyvitamin is slower even than that.


i love the search engine at luckyvitamin.....and love the site in general, but most of the time I stick with iherb.com b/c of cost.


at iherb.com, my Natrol "My Favorite Multiple Take One" vitamin is less than $9 for a 2 mo supply.




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Love love love iherb.com. They have great customer service and great extra discounts and shipping specials (once I got overnight for free!). I have ordered consistantly from them for 3 years now and the one time I got a bottle of cod liver oil that the top was cracked, they immediately shipped another.


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