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What is not getting done?


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(2) Science Experiments~ My DS would do experiments all day, every day if the materials were provided for him. I try to plan ahead and to be prepared to do at least one per week, but it never seems to get done. We do all the 'desk work' first, and by the time that is done, DS has "checked-out" for the day. :glare:


Yikes, I still have a Solids and Liquids Experiment Kit lying around. I even set it up already, but it's gathering dust. I don't know even why I bought it, my curriculum already includes some activities that illustrate things pretty well, and ds understood, maybe that's why it's not getting done :glare:


Or perhaps it's the kitchen counter with so much stuff on it :tongue_smilie:


Oh well, I'll just use it as a review later in the year.

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I used to have a hard time keeping up with everything until we switched to doing core subjects daily and content subjects weekly...this seems to work better for us.


The one thing I do have trouble doing is Literature...I think it's because I don't have it written down like everything else, so it just kind of gets forgotten.

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I think that, being apathetic about the subject myself, I am simply incapable of choosing and sticking to a plan for science. And the fun hands-on stuff we could be doing? Ha. Ha ha. Not happening either.


Must remedy... somehow. Anyone have a little spare inspiration and/or motivation they wouldn't mind lending me?

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