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MPOA Literature classes ??

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Specifically I am looking at the Grammar School III course for my 5th grade dd. She is doing the MP core so she will do the course with or without the online class.

Initially I didn't think there would be enough value in the online class. It's 5th grade literature and I am definitely more than competent. But the truth is we skip a lot of the guides. We don't really dig into the vocab or enrichment activities and we often skip the quizzes, tests, etc. So maybe she would benefit from a more structured class? I plan to have her in MPOA for several classes in the future. I usually like to start mine in an online class that should be on the easier side content wise for my students. So I did start thinking that this might be a good year to get started in the online lit  class. 

This is my fourth student and I plan to outsource most subjects for jr high and high school, so that is the path we are gearing up for (though honestly I hate to admit that here...I so admire all the moms that do it all on their own. I'm admittedly burned out after 15 years). I'm all in with MP so I'm not looking for suggestions for courses from other providers. It is just MPOA for 5th grade lit or do the MP 5th grade lit on our own. 

Does anyone here have experience with the grammar school or middle school lit classes from MPOA and have any feedback? 

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My oldest started MPOA lit in 5th grade. She wouldn’t keep up with her reading, so I signed her up. I think the classes are great for kids who need deadlines or for parents who don’t have time to discuss the readings. In in my experience, most of the teachers discuss the material, but do not directly review the questions in the guide. Online quizzes are required and there usually some other written assignments - not many in grammar school, but more are required in middle school.

My younger two will be using lit 5A/6 next year. They will not be taking the class online. My youngest is signed up for the Delectare Online discussion group, and this is just enough outside accountability to keep us on track. We do still struggle to get to the quizzes, but hope to improve this next year.


ETA: My decision not to enroll my younger two does not in any way mean that I am dissatisfied. I am actually quite pleased with MPOA. My youngest likes Delectare because the kids all get on the webcam, and my son prefers to do his work on his own and does a great job keeping up. Both will, however, take comp with MPOA next year.

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