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ACE Paces for Science

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I just unboxed this new-to-us curriculum today. We've been using BJU with the DVDs for Science but need something a little more portable since we do a lot of going during the week. I have to say, it looks impressive! We are trying the 6th grade level Science. I love the simplicity, the portability, the independent nature of it, the ability to supplement as desired, and the content seems awesome! Has anyone else tried ACE Paces for science?? 

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We do!!! We've used ACE Science for grades 3 & 4 so far and I will be ordering 5th in a couple weeks. My children absolutely love ACE Science. I tried a couple other big name science curriculums that everyone raved about  bc I had read quite a few negative reviews of ACE. You know what? My children learned and retained more from their ACE Science than they did from me reading aloud until I lost my voice and trying to do all kinds of hands on projects! My husband even commented on how surprised he was that they knew the things they did and every time he asked them where they learned that tidbit of information, they replied, "From my PACE". Like all curriculum. it definitely will not fit all learning styles but I hope your dd enjoys it as much as my older two children have :)

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I seem to recall doing 5 pages a day in a PACE for "science." Ditto for history. I wouldn't recommend these to anyone, though, if you want your child to learn actual science. They are religious instruction dressed up pretending to be science, unless something has drastically changed in the worldview of the publisher. PACES also implicitly taught racial segregation as a norm through the structure of the comic strips at least into the 90's even if they still don't.

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We only use ACE Science and Social Studies. I've tried a couple of their other subjects briefly, but I'm not one to like every subject from a single publisher. They are fine, but I really do like to mix and match across curriculums. However, if it were up to my children they would happily use all ACE. The social studies does focus quite a bit on missionaries as well as other history/geography topics. We are devoutly Christian and appreciate the worldview presented within the PACES. They have been updated several times since the 90's and depending on what grade or subject you are buying, many are in the 4th edition. We have never seen anything concerning racial segregation in the PACES we have used.

A PACE is meant to to be completed within 2 or 3 weeks. I usually lean more toward 3 weeks, so I just divide the number of pages by 15 to see how many pages they need to average per day. So far though with the grade levels I've used, it has been 3-4 pages daily. If you google "Pace Success" you will find a link to a website that offers tremendous help for anyone interested in using PACES. I've spent alot of time on there reading articles and have been very encouraged. Also on Youtube, if you look for Andrea Mills she has some great tips on using ACE and offers a great review as well.

Please let me know if you have any more questions :)

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