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My mind is a bit foggy right now, so I'll  just ask instead of searching for the answer.  Is the free subscription full access to everything or like a sample?

Also, thoughts on it overall?  How much do you feel you need to supplement or is pretty thorough.   My boys will be 2nd and K if that matters.


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If I understand correctly, the free subscription is now only the content they developed in the first several years they were running. It will not have the newest content. It *used* to be everything, but back then there was not that much content overall. 

We Love it. When I first looked at it, I felt it was too easy. But after using it more, I feel that it really encourages thinking about problems and solutions - the why behind things. It is not extremely thorough - they have added "extras" that are nice, but I would be reading some books out of our library on the topic as well. The Kindergarten  units look very nice, but I don't think they'll be included with the free subscription. We do it with another family, because half the fun is the brainstorming, and our kids really enjoy it.

Sign up and look around! Can't hurt. 

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11 minutes ago, Sk8ermaiden said:

If I understand correctly, the free subscription is now only the content they developed in the first several years they were running. It will not have the newest content. It *used* to be everything, but back then there was not that much content overall. 

We Love it. When I first looked at it, I felt it was too easy. But after using it more, I feel that it really encourages thinking about problems and solutions - the why behind things. It is not extremely thorough - they have added "extras" that are nice, but I would be reading some books out of our library on the topic as well. The Kindergarten  units look very nice, but I don't think they'll be included with the free subscription. We do it with another family, because half the fun is the brainstorming, and our kids really enjoy it.

Sign up and look around! Can't hurt. 

Ok that makes sense!  Thanks.

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