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S/O Define dating?

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I've been reading the thread about what age to allow a dc to date. What constitutes a date?


I consider dating~Guy pick up girl in car by himself and goes to eat or a movie, show ect...


I don't consider talking on the phone to a "boyfriend" a date or having a boyfriend dating. I don't consider a boy coming over to eat dinner with my dd a date.


Dating is going out unchaperoned and alone.


My dd is not allowed to get into a car with a boy alone until she is 16 and the boy MUST come to the door and meet dh and me before leaving the house. Actually, the boy must always come to the door to pick up my dd. No horn honker allowed here!!!!


I had boyfriends before 16. We talked on the phone, met at the movies, ate at each others houses. I did not consider that dating because I never got in the car with them alone.


How do you define dating?

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Well, I guess as long as everyone in your family knows how you define it, that's all that matters.


In our family, "dating" would be one of my sons having a female person whom he was interested in (need I define that?) whom he spoke to and/or spent more time with than any other female to the point where each considered the other to be of special significance.


Now, we are encouraging our eldest to get to know ladies, and that takes more purposeful conversation -- one-on-one, but if they were to do things by themselves or go out somewhere, I would say they had entered into a dating stage.


I hope that makes sense.

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OK I had to read the posts.

I consider dating going out with the opposite sex alone.

So...I don't know when I'd let my children date. Right now I'd say not until they are adults...18.


If they like someone and I let them be around that person knowing they like them, I don't consider that dating. I will let them do things with that other person if I like the said person. My dd is already dealing with this...my son who is a year older hasn't liked anyone yet (thank goodness!)

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I've been reading the thread about what age to allow a dc to date. What constitutes a date?


I consider dating~Guy pick up girl in car by himself and goes to eat or a movie, show ect...


I don't consider talking on the phone to a "boyfriend" a date or having a boyfriend dating. I don't consider a boy coming over to eat dinner with my dd a date.


Dating is going out unchaperoned and alone.


My dd is not allowed to get into a car with a boy alone until she is 16 and the boy MUST come to the door and meet dh and me before leaving the house. Actually, the boy must always come to the door to pick up my dd. No horn honker allowed here!!!!


I had boyfriends before 16. We talked on the phone, met at the movies, ate at each others houses. I did not consider that dating because I never got in the car with them alone.


How do you define dating?


:iagree: We have a 16+ rule and encourage group dates over pairing off exclusively until ready for marriage.

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