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Flylady Support Thread for Monday, April 16

Night Elf

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Hello Flyminds!

Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: click here. You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.

We have completed the Baby Steps found here and here.

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal Series found here.

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady

Advanced Flylady: 

The Habit for the month of April is Making Your Bed.

This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 3 - The Main Bathroom and One Extra Room (April 15 - 21).


Monday - Weekly home blessing - Our mission today is to wipe down cabinets!

Weekly home blessing is spending 10 minutes doing each of these:

  • Vacuuming

  • Dusting

  • quick mop

  • polish mirrors and door handles

  • purge magazines and catalogs

  • change all sheets

  • empty trash.

Flylady Mission: We have moved through the zones and we have arrived in the bathroom and an extra room!

Your mission for today is to do a 27 fling boogie in the bathroom! Get rid of those shampoos, conditioners, hair gels, etc., that you have held onto but you don't use them!  Toss them!  Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab a trash bag and start flinging!
You might even be able to get in a second 27 fling in under 15 minutes!
For the extra Room this month, let's get in to the guest bedroom. We will continue with the 27 Fling Boogie in this room. So, set you timer for 15 minutes and start flinging!

FlyLady Rebecca

Fly Kids Mission: 

We are taking a walk! Let's walk through our houses looking for 10 things that belong in our rooms and put them away. If you have left any shoes, jackets, school things, toys or books around the house,now is the time to return them to their home.

When you leave your things around the house, it makes the house look messy. Let's grab up the things that belong in our rooms and take them there.

Have fun!  Remember, less stuff to clean and put away means more time to play!

If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way!


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New Zone this week! I'd love to see someone else join in my thread. I feel silly being the only one who posts. If you find this support thread helpful, please drop me a line. Either post here or send me a message. I may stop posting.

Zone cleaning: Hall bathroom
--Sweep and mop
--Clean shelves
--Deep clean tub

Morning routine:
--Make bed
--Get dressed
--Swish & Swipe
--Check calendar
--Clean cat area

Afternoon routine:
--What's for dinner?
--Drink water

Daily cleaning:
--Wash my bedding
--Swiffer living room 
--Swiffer dining room chandelier
--My bathroom tidy

Dinner: Mini Chicken Pot Pies

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried out these stiffer dusters and I am in love. I dusted my blinds and they are not embarrassing anymore. So thats a win! I thought I would share incase anyone else might be interested. 

I have been feeling a bit jealous of my SIL who just calls the cleaning lady and BOOM her house is clean. So even though I don't like using the swifter mop, duster and wet cleaning wipes. I find that I need them, at least right now because it makes cleaning so easy it gets done. I think the main problem lately is that I am a SLOW cleaner, like super slow. And I have been watching some Noni the slob videos and getting motivated to declutter. Thankfully we are not THAT bad, but the linen closet needs to be gone through and the second bedroom needs to be organized and decluttered. 

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Oh and I went through my pantry and refrigerator/freezer and got rid of all our expired food. I still need to actually clean them though. I probably need to do the same with our bookshelves and homeschool supples and be honest about what I will actually use and what is just taking up space. It is hard to let go of some of them, I look through it and think, "Oh, this is really cool. We should use this and put it back on the shelf until the next time I declutter."

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