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History of the Horse by Beautiful Feet Books.....


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Has anyone used this before? Weve used their Early American History and we loved it, we made notebooks and used their timeline. It was a wonderful 2 years. They still remember what we learned too! Wondering if this is similar....I read one review and it said it was really light in matter and they finished the program in under a few months. I will be reading the books aloud and using their copywork (if any) as our English along side Grammar land. For reference my DDs are almost 9 and 10. Were going to try and get some riding lessons going or at least a horse camp or two next year too. 


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2 hours ago, ghcostafamily said:

Has anyone used this before? Weve used their Early American History and we loved it, we made notebooks and used their timeline. It was a wonderful 2 years. They still remember what we learned too! Wondering if this is similar....I read one review and it said it was really light in matter and they finished the program in under a few months. I will be reading the books aloud and using their copywork (if any) as our English along side Grammar land. For reference my DDs are almost 9 and 10. Were going to try and get some riding lessons going or at least a horse camp or two next year too. 


I would kind of expect a history of horses to be "light in matter," wouldn't you? 

I don't think you should worry about what one reviewer said. Your children are young, they love horses, and they've enjoyed a BF Books study guide in the past. I think you should do it.

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We've used it, but more as literature rather than a history.  Unless I missed something, this is not a history program.  There are not timelines etc (although you can definitely add them in I suppose?)  I haven't used any other Beautiful Feet programs because we're Canadian, so most of the history doesn't suit.  My dd was 9/10 when we used it.  She's dyslexic, so at the time, she read the novels with audio companion and it worked very well for her.  The books are lovely, of course, and she enjoyed the diagrams and "non-fiction" learning about horses that went along with the literature.

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10 hours ago, Tawlas said:

We've used it, but more as literature rather than a history.  Unless I missed something, this is not a history program.  There are not timelines etc (although you can definitely add them in I suppose?)  I haven't used any other Beautiful Feet programs because we're Canadian, so most of the history doesn't suit.  My dd was 9/10 when we used it.  She's dyslexic, so at the time, she read the novels with audio companion and it worked very well for her.  The books are lovely, of course, and she enjoyed the diagrams and "non-fiction" learning about horses that went along with the literature.

Well I thought it was a History course......but you are totally right, no timelines or anything...I still am going to use it though. I really love BFB. My Daughters are both dyslexic as well, so ill either read aloud the books or have them read them with and audio version. Thank you for that idea!

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