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Beast Academy Placement


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I just want to try out Beast Academy. I own all the Singapore Math textbooks and just need to add new workbooks for additional children. When I did the placement exams for Beast Academy, son had no problem, but was weak on mental math. He learns math easily so as I explained mental math to him, he was quickly getting it. I would hate to hold him back over mental math. I am trying to decide if we should just start with Singapore Math US edition 2b since it is largely mental math.  Or if we should go ahead to BA 3a. I am leaning toward the Singapore Math to start but wondering what people with experience with Beast Academy would say.

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For my daughter, who picks up on things quickly, the mental math has developed as she has used Beast Academy. It’s not a huge focus of the program, but it’s in there, especially in the estimating chapter in BA3 and the division chapter in BA4. I think it’s one of those things that gets developed with a combination of use and learning a few of the ways to make manipulating numbers faster.

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