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Which online writing class for 6th grade? WH LA 2 or WTMA EW1?


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Natural writer. Diligent student. First online course. We have grammar and spelling we like...so writing is our primary focus on what I’m looking for. (I understand WH LA is more than writing).


Which did you choose/not choose and why?



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Actually, I put my natural writer dd#3 into Coram Deo Tutorial's Intro to Writing class this year. It is JUST writing. (She's not offering this particular class next year, BTW.) It was perfect for this kid. Gentle. Incremental. Encouraging.

She writes essays for fun now.  :svengo:


I wasn't sure how it would go. I certainly thought it was too light at times. I was a bit annoyed at one particular grammar point the teacher, IMO, got wrong when marking up one of my kid's essays, but nothing insurmountable. I'd sign her up again in a heartbeat.


I liked that it was just writing (and a tiny bit of reading) and that the time requirements (1 hr once per week of class, roughly 2 hours of homework *at most* each week) were doable for that age. That's what I looked for for *my* kid. 

I tried WWS1 with this particular kid & it was a fail. I haven't found a consistent teacher review for WTMA's EW classes that I like. (They either change teachers or the reviews are poor.) I can't justify the expense for WHA for that young of a kid. (Coram Deo is $225/semester. No extra fees. And, there were no materials necessary for the Intro course except 2-3 Narnia books which we already had.)


Have you looked at classes at some of the other online providers already and narrowed it down to just these two classes?

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Have you looked at classes at some of the other online providers already and narrowed it down to just these two classes?

I feel like I have looked at so many. . . Mostly with my older dd in mind though— who is NOT a natural writer. I have narrowed her down to FOEW or EW2 or IEW style at home/writing across curriculum. She just needs more instruction.


Ds doesn’t ... I also am considering just having him write across curriculum again like this year...


Ideally I would teach them, using some sort of check list of techniques and styles in mom-made projects across curriculum and someone else would grade it and give feedback... does that exist?!? :lol: that’s what I want... dd in particular doesn’t take feedback well from me— she just sees it as criticism.


So all that to say, I am open to other options! :lol:

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