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Week 8 and we are still on SOTW4 chapter 5!


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We took a two week break from SOTW to cover the American Civil War. We mostly read books and enjoyed a few online websites and quiz style games about the Civil War; google search and you will find several. I also added in Genevieve Foster's Abraham Lincoln's World. I'm sure others have more creative ideas; I'm sorry I'm not much help in that department. Truthfully, we've covered the Civil War so many times from different angles that my children were ready to move on. (We do a bit of Am Hist every year.) This year my children are more interested in the Great Depression of the 20s. We're not quite there in our history lessons, but my children are already using their free time to devour our supporting books for this time period.

Enjoy digging deeper into the Civil War, but feel free to continue along in SOTW too. Aside from our Civil War sabbatical, we actually cruise through SOTW at a very fast pace of two chapters per week. My children complete all the outlines, map work, and add the timeline figures to their notebooks. I assign a lot of independent reading material to enhance our lessons. We discuss the topics pretty thoroughly. I occasionally add in writing assignments and complete additional projects as desired. At the pace we are moving, we will complete SOTW IV by February. This is typical for us. I usually add in a bit of American History after we complete SOTW. Given the amount of Am Hist in volume IV, this year will be different. We will move on to either American politics or world geography.

HTH and enjoy!

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