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We started science in the beginning early this year and dropped it as it seemed above my 6 and 4 year olds. We just picked it back up again and particularly the 6 year old seems interested. We just are finishing light and he would really like to do plants or animals. Do you think we could do one of those chapters next? I am not sure he will love CH 2. I think the topic of the 1st chapter (light)was some of the trouble earlier this year...

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I don't think there's any problem in that curriculum with skipping ahead to other topics. It's a great time to do botany anyway, with spring on the horizon. In the past, I have skipped lessons if I didn't have the materials on hand and didn't want to purchase special supplies, plus not doing a lot of the bonus lessons (the ones with the red-colored headers), or replacing a regular lesson with a bonus lesson instead.


I say go for it—mix and match.


Erica in OR

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