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AP Latin online: Memoria Press/Lukeion

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I'm trying to line us up for AP Latin, and would be grateful for feedback on these options -- or suggestions for other options, if that seems best. 


My older child will be doing Fourth Form Latin with Memoria Press Online next year, which brings him through the equivalent of Henle I; he will be 13 years old.  That part of our plan is pretty much fixed, since he really enjoys his Latin class (his only online class; he doesn't want another course done online, but likes this way of getting Latin accomplished). 


(Aside: He'll also begin Classical Greek next year.  I am not sure if we'll do the Lukeion route or something at home.  I'm leaning toward Lukeion because I myself have an educational goal of a very solid grounding in Greek, but am not sure the child really cares, so having him finish his mama-required Greek slog on the early side might be nice and free up high school time for other stuff.  Also, his mathematics work isn't too crazy next year but will pick up later on and so doing intensive language now takes advantage of that.) 


So that is next year set.  At some point after this I'd like him to take the AP Latin exam, and I'd like to use an online course provider for an AP course.  I think the two best options are either Memoria Press Online Academy (MPOA) or Lukeion. 


If he stays with MPOA, then the lineup is simple:

1 year Caesar

1 year Cicero (or AP Latin)

1 year AP Latin (or Cicero, whichever we haven't done yet)

Whether we do AP or Cicero first will depend on the strength of his writing skills and the best balance of AP classes, since he will almost certainly be taking AP Calculus, Economics, and Physics during his high school years. 


If we want to do Lukeion, then I think it would be good to switch him after he finishes his 4th Form.  We would probably do:

{Transition Course only if strongly advised by Lukeion/WTM boardies :) }

1 Year Latin 3

1 Year Transition to AP (or 4th Year Latin AP itself, whichever seems advisable)

1 Year 4th Year Latin AP (or Latin 5, or drop Latin and keep on in Greek)


On the one hand, he really enjoys his MPOA course and is thriving so from that perspective, why change?  On the other hand, I am not sure whether the MPOA preparation for the exam, particularly the essay writing, is really robust and I hear wonderful things about the Lukeion writing component.  Great writing skills are a major educational goal/value here.  Perhaps this argues for doing Lukeion Greek next year, just to give him experience in both programs ...


any thoughts would be very much appreciated! 

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