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We are bringing home a new dog today...

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My youngest ds has said for years how unfair it is that "everyone else in the family has an animal but me!" He is 9 1/2 now, and dh and I decided that he has shown tremendous responsibility this year, so we are getting him an early Christmas present.


Give me reminders before we bring this sweet girl home. We currently have a Border Collie, who rules the roost, and a mini-poodle/JRT mix, who is tiny (think 5 lbs). The girl we are getting is a 15 month old pom/peke mix. So she is the same age as our poodle.


What is the best way to introduce them all to each other? I think I remember hearing outside...? How about the best way to get her to bond to #2 son? I really want him to be loved by this dog, if possible. This will be his dream come true! And I'll take any other tips and reminders you would like to give me! Bring it on!


And by the way, I can't wait until this afternoon, when I will have the thrill of giving him this gift! He doesn't know yet and will be so surprised.

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How exciting for your son! And for all of you, really :)


Cesar Milan recommends walking the dog around the neighborhood before ever bringing her into the house. If you want your son to be most tightly bonded with the dog, then he would be the ideal person to take the dog on this and subsequent walks. It establishes him as the dog's pack leader and also hopefully tires her out a bit so she'll be less excited/nervous when she enters the home and meets the other pets. We did this with our 1 year old rescue dog a year ago, and she settled in beautifully and quickly.


I would keep her on the leash for a few minutes while the other dogs sniff her and get to know her a bit, and even though the kids will be excited about a new pet, I would encourage them to remain calm and quiet while the dogs meet. Your previous pets' reactions will probably dictate whether you let the dogs remain together at first or whether they'd all do better to get to know one another gradually.


Another way to promote bonding is "denning" - allowing your son to sleep with the dog in his room, at least at first. Even if you elect to crate her, the crate could be by his bed for a while. Also, of course, having him be the one to feed her will promote their bond.


Good luck with your new addition! I hope everything goes smoothly and that your son is blessed with a wonderful new friend :).



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You definitely want to introduce them outside of the house, so that the dog doesn't feel like the poodle is intruding on her territory. Then bring them inside together.Bringing a new dog into a home is always an exciting time. It's like adding a new family member or guest to the household. While much has been written on bringing puppies into the home - very little has been written about bringing new adult dogs into the home.Pet owners often underestimate the kinds of problems that can occur if mistakes are made.

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We have 3 dogs now and did introduce the newest addition to the others outside the house. The 2 German Shep girls actually met at a GSD rescue meeting and I think the older one picked the younger one for us! Then our golden retriever boy met the new dog over in the field across the street. All has gone fine.


Good luck on your new addition!



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