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Half year World History, other half American history

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Next year for 10th grade I was planning on having my son take a half year (.5 credit) of World History in the fall, followed by half year (.5 credit) of American History in the spring.  This is the way the online history instructor will be offering it next year.  Is this generally acceptable to colleges? 


This year, in 9th grade, he is taking a full year of World Geography.


I have not planned out 11th and 12th yet. 


Thank you for your insights.

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It's going to depend on the school, and that varies widely. Most want 2-3 social studies credits at a minimum, and there are some who specify a full credit of world history and a full credit of US History. He will probably be just fine, but if there are specific colleges that you know will be on his list, take a look at their requirements (generally listed online.)

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I work in college admissions. I think as long as they can identify from the transcript that he completed one full credit of each, there shouldn't be a problem.





Thank you; that is what I needed to know, and I am glad to hear that.  I really like this history instructor, and this is just the way he has the courses set up for next year.


I have another question if you don't mind: 


Do colleges want to see the specific course name or the general name of the course on the transcript?


For example the world history course that is 1 semester and .5 credit is called "Inventions that Revolutionized the World".  Should I call it that on the transcript or just call it "World History"?


The American history course that is 1 semester and .5 credit is called "Early American History 1492-1763".  Should the transcript have that specific name, or just "American History"?


Thanks a bunch!

Edited by bluebonnetgirl
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