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Hey it's the New Zealand Election tonight

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Colleen I was giggling about the Canadian election. I figured if THAT had only reached a few pages the NZ one would unlikely to tip page 2. LOL


And for those who are just BUSTING to know the result. Go on. You're out there you know you are.

National won. This ends a 9 year long Labour hold on power.


And on that note. It's late and I need to hit the sack.

Edited by keptwoman
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I just read this article this week about how NZ turned their political landscape around. I found the article fascinating. I'd love to hear what a NZ'er think about it. (Disclaimer: Not trying to start anything. I'm seriously interested in logical discourse on this subject.)


A friend of mine, who originally sent me this article about New Zealand, had this to say:


NZ did a brilliant job a few years ago of flipping completely conservative practically overnight and it is the place everyone wants to live now. But they won't let you in unless you are going to be a contributor...and NOT A LAWYER. They have limited the number of lawyers allowed to be in NZ, so for someone to get a license to practice law, an existing lawyer has to die or give up his license. THAT is tort reform. (It's also not very conservative, but I think it was a good decision because it got the litigiousness right out of the system).


I agree with that, especially in light of how they've turned their economy around.

Edited by Bev in B'ville
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but is a bit out of date as with the bit about drivers licences. A few years back (about 7 years ago I think) the Labour Gov't did make the lifelong licenses outdated & replace them with 10 year picture licenses.


I'm hoping that National will bring about some changes with results like those mentioned in the article you linked, Bev. NZ needs a change.



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but is a bit out of date as with the bit about drivers licences. A few years back (about 7 years ago I think) the Labour Gov't did make the lifelong licenses outdated & replace them with 10 year picture licenses.


I'm hoping that National will bring about some changes with results like those mentioned in the article you linked, Bev. NZ needs a change.




I found this article simply fascinating, too, from the standpoint that the gov't itself realized it was too big and took the steps to privatize many things. As we're heading in the opposite direction now, I wonder how long it will take until we reach that magic saturation number and will be forced to do the same? Even though NZ is a small country, comparatively, it may yet set the precedent for us in a few years.


I loved NZ when I was there. Your country is most beautiful and the people were very nice.

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