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Flylady support thread Friday November 10 through Sunday Nov. 12....

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


Please join in on the fun!

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Sorry I am late in posting the thread today. I made breakfast for my boys and sat down to look at the news on my phone. Saw a story that there may have been a nuclear accident in Russia or Kazakstan, which I led me into telling my son all about Chernobyl complete with you tube videos. Every teachable moment right?


Bed made. Unsure what laundry to do today. Would be doing DH's but he isn't here so I have a feeling I am doing mount everest on Sunday. Need to swish and swipe bathrooms. Know what we are having for dinner. My sink did shine last night. Still working on my quilt. Need to figure out where I am able to get a flu shot for me and more importantly my sons (children doses are not easy to find and PCP doesn't have them). Got my christmas catalog from Rainbow Resource so I am happy there. Will hit a brick wall today. Was up till past midnight because I updated our computer last night. I don't make good decisions when I am tired. Need to clean off one counter in my kitchen today. It is bugging me. Very windy here. I hope my dog is okay. He has PTSD from Hurricane Sandy. 


Jean I hope vacuuming went well yesterday!

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I survived vacuuming! I was super sore afterwards but I was able to do it within a normal amount of time. And I was able to have a normal evening-including making dinner- after a rest. I did cancel an evening appointment because of it though.


My “worst case†benchmark was how it would take me 3 hours to just vacuum the living room (because of lots and lots of rests) and then would be in bed for three days afterwards. So I’ve come a long way, baby. But I’m still scared of vacuuming. Or at least wary.


I’m hoping at some point that I can start to put more exercise other than walking into my days. I do meet a step goal every day. But for right now vacuuming is my biggest exercise, I guess. I’m scared of exercise too. I’m scared of anything that can make me nonfunctional again. Even though I am chomping at the bit to get more done, these baby steps are making a world of difference around here.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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What are your thoughts on the fall blends? Have you ordered the holiday ones yet? I'd love to hear reviews on those as well.


So far I like the Spiced Orange better than Autumn Breeze. The Autumn Breeze had too much going on or conflicting scents or something... I'm not quite sure. I haven't tried the Pumpkin Pie blend yet. 

Edited by Woodland Mist Academy
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Spiced orange is my favorite. I got apple spice or whatever it was called and the tree one on order. I hope to get it soon! I also ordered the adult immunity one and the Kids attention one. Hopefully it will help with that! 


I am told that they have 24 days of Christmas so you can get deals starting December 1! I am still trying to understand everything about diffusers. I would like to get another one and I am thinking smaller is better. However I need to research a bit more. 


Need to get my son to the allergist now. Will be back to start the new thread! 

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