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Ladies, I've got a question of the monthly nature

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Within the last year or so I've been having episodes of extreme tiredness. I haven't really been paying attention to when during the month they start until yesterday. It was the day after and I was exhausted when I woke up.


Today is a little better, but not much. Hopefully tomorrow will be better yet.


Does anyone else go through this near/after your monthly? I'm going to start looking for a pattern, but I would like other input as well.


P.S. I had a physical last month and every thing came back normal. Oh, and in case age may be a factor, I'm 42 years and 3 weeks old.

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In the past several months, I've been exhausted during that time of my cycle. I have no energy during the day and can easily sleep 10-11 hours a night. I mentioned it at my last check-up and the doctor said it's most likely part of getting older, along with the change in my cycles. She ran a ton of tests and everything came back fine. I'm not anemic and my thyroid meds are working the other days of the month, so I'm not sure where it's coming from. Oh, and I'm 40 years old and 3 months.

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I will sound like a broken record because it's sooo hard for me to keep myself reminded, but getting in 30 minutes-1 hour of exercise (good cardio) a day REALLY makes a difference in those lethargic days...I usually could sleep 2 hour naps (sometimes 4) on those days just prior to that month...but if I keep to my exercise schedule it just means I sleep more soundly at night and I don't get those dead times of the day as often....I also find that I have had to cut the caffeine way down..coffee's not my thing, but I love unsweet tea and could drink it like water...so I reserve it for once or twice a week and if I'm really feeling tired at that time I'll have a glass and it helps.


Also, getting more fresh veggies/fruits really helps my energy level...40 isn't the pits, it's just making tweaks to an otherwise efficient body! :)


Try some changes and see how they help!


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Nutrition and extra vitamins help tremendously. I'm choke...48...our 9th child is 5 and my energy levels are nowhere near what they were in my 30's..sigh. My thyroid croaked. Specially formulated women's vitamins like Vitanica's taken twice a day got me through those later in life pregnancies. I agree with all the advice above..exercise, good sleep habits, lower caffeine, lower sugar and fat intake, all good for keeping us fit. I have a tendency to crave chocolate pms and then crash :(

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Thanks Tara. We started walking about two weeks ago. I started feeling really good, and was sleeping much better. Then Halloween threw us off for a few days. We started back again last night so hopefully I can keep up with it through the long, cold winter.


I should cut down on the caffeine, but I'm working on one thing at a time. LOL

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