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I'm so bummed!

Night Elf

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I was buying a 5-book series on my Kindle. I purchase each book when I finish the one before it. So I finished book 3 and went to buy book 4 and it's not available on Kindle anymore. So I checked the first 3 books and they aren't available on Kindle either. So I guess they lost licensing or something? I've got these books in print so I can finish them but I wanted them on Kindle.

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Amazon is having issues with their algorithms. I've seen many authors have books pulled for violations. Give it a few weeks - it's taking that long to clear up the issue for some people. You might want to email the author to ask as well. They may not be aware their books have been pulled.


ETA: I need to add that the violations often aren't real for legitimate authors. It seems Amazon is trying to cut down on scammers and being heavy handed in their response.

Edited by ErinE
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