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Where do people find jobs?

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Two suggestions:


1) look for signs on various places of business (not sure what type of work you're looking for but Target / Wal-Mart / ToysRus / etc. are hiring for Christmas help. Many times, if you're good at what you're doing, they'll ask you to stay on after Christmas)


2) ask friends and family if there are any openings where they work. That would already give you a proverbial foot in the door.


Best of luck on your search!! :grouphug:

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I'd say it depends on what type of job you are looking for. My suggestions:


Local newspapers





career networking sites such as spokes or linkedin


yellow pages or other references (sending resumes out cold to businesses in your area in the field you wish to work)

If it is retail job, asking the manager or customer service desk if they are hiring (make sure you're dressed to make a favorable impression and prepared for an on-the-spot interview just in case)


Good luck!

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