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Does your kid blog???

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My 10.5yo wants to start blogging...nothing specific...just about things he loves (Legos, Star Wars, Video Games, God). I blog occasionally with Typepad and was going to get him a site too but it isn't free (but not expensive either). So I was wondering if any of you have kids who blog? What site do they use? Any pros or cons to kids blogging that I should be aware of? Am I silly to think that this might be a good way to get a reluctant 5th grader to write a lot more?

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My oldest started a blog when she was 13 at blogger. All the sights that we checked said the child needed to be at least 13 so we waited until then. We will with the other 2 as well, it gives them something to look forward to. They need to be doing well in their writing before I let them have a blog.


We have it set through our e-mail and our blogger account so we check all her comments and things like that. We don't have it a public blog, only her friends and our family have her blog site address. It's been fun for her and a good way to journal.

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My 10.5yo wants to start blogging...nothing specific...just about things he loves (Legos, Star Wars, Video Games, God). I blog occasionally with Typepad and was going to get him a site too but it isn't free (but not expensive either). So I was wondering if any of you have kids who blog? What site do they use? Any pros or cons to kids blogging that I should be aware of? Am I silly to think that this might be a good way to get a reluctant 5th grader to write a lot more?


I have allowed my older three to blog though only the 14 yo and the 11yo still do it and only rarely. I think the excitement wore off (as it pretty much has for me, honestly!) They will do so every once in a while, but hardly ever now. I allowed them to blog on HomeschoolBlogger because there were many other homeschool kids there too and they had a nice little community to encourage one another. There is no age limit at HSB.

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