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Algebra I

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I am a first year home school person.  My son is entering 8th grade, and did extremely well in pre-AP math last year, so would be taking Algebra I in school.


I would like to teach him using a textbook/workbook type course. Or just a good textbook (with an answer key!)


He plans to go into sciences, so I want to ensure that he has a very solid grounding in his math courses.  Any recommendations as to a text that has clear explanations and sample problems?  But is still a thorough and challenging program?


I know I had some excellent texts way back when, and mostly taught myself math from them.  Unfortunately, it has been so long, that I can't begin to remember which ones they were.

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Foerster's Algebra 1 would probably fit the bill, you can get used copies for not that much. Video lessons with (suggested) homework sets and solutions for the homework are available at www.mathwithoutborders.com


Lial is also a popular choice for high school math.

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You rock again!!   I just picked up Foerster for $24.10 on Ebay, and will check out the mathwithoutborders site, hoping to save on the Solutions manual as I can't find that one used.


Thank you so much.  I am starting to feel much more in control.  Of course, in 3 weeks I will see if I maintain that ..

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Aha!!  Penelope, thank you for that info.  I should have the book within a week, and hopefully I can get by without an additional manual.  I will wait to look at before ordering anything else. I am trying to watch the budget, as  I promised my husband I could do this affordably.

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MWB has worked out video solutions to all the problems the teacher assigns as homework in the video lessons. So if you use the suggested homework in the lessons you don't need the solutions manual. And yes, the book has the answers to the odd numbered problems in the back, though they aren't worked out.

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