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Has anyone used REAL Science Odyssey Physics I?

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I'm admitting to myself that I will utterly burn out if I try to continue planning my own stuff, and physics is our next stop in science.  I know RSO's Physics Level 1 is relatively new, but I can't seem to find any reviews at all.  Has anyone on here used it?  I'm hoping to find something with depth, but an element of fun/hands-on.  (Ellen McHenry's Elements was a big hit, and the tone of the RSO Physics sample seems similar, but I was hoping for feedback from someone who has used the whole program.)  TIA!

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My husband did it with my son this past year, although they only completed half of it because they were also finishing up Chemistry. For some reason, my son found it really boring and repetitive. It was really disappointing for him! Since I didn't do it with him myself I can't say much more than that, other than the felt he wasn't learning that much. He was 10 / grade 5. This year he's going to try a charter science class for a while, but if that doesn't suit him, we'll switch over to RSO's Biology 2 since we already own it.

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I used it right after it came out, when my children were in grades 4, 1 and 1.  We did a lot of it as written, but mostly skipped over the last section (a little bit about relativity and quantum mechanics), and used K'nex and Snap Circuits for some of the projects.  Oh, we also added in The Way Things Work. The electric motor project is fussy, and it ended up being mostly me building it.  I think it went well overall.  My 1st graders were a little young for it, but I'd already done Life Science and Earth & Space the previous 2 years with my oldest child, and I thought that physics might be a little easier than chemistry for 1st grade.  


Have you used RSO at all?  If you liked it for any of the other science subjects, the physics seems very similar and you'll probably like it as well. I liked the Physics and Chemistry books better than their Life (level 1) and Earth & Space books

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Thanks for the replies.  I've not used any science curriculum except Ellen McHenry's The Elements and a handful of individual lessons from here & there, since I've been building my own curriculum as I go.  I'm wondering if it might work okay, since my kids are on the young end for it. Hmm...

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