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Scholaric, HST+, HSP, etc. confused and in need of advice.

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I've decided after going through several different paper planners over the years (purchased and homemade) that we really need to get online (should save me a ton in ink and paper).  I'm looking at Scholaric, HST+, HSP, HS Minder, Planbook, and HS Manager.  I'm having a lot of trouble determining if they have what I want and while most have a free trial I'd love if someone could help me whittle the choices down a bit.


What I want:

1. a drag and drop calendar with a simple title to assignments but can access a more detailed lesson plan-instructions.


2 I want my students to be able to access the planner to get their daily assignments and to be able to mark off when done (so the access to detailed instructions is very important).


3. I'd like to be able to link web pages and videos directly in the planner so they can watch/read (this is the #1 reason paper no longer works)


4. I want a grade book where I can list assignments that have different point values


5. it needs to be somewhat easy to navigate because I hate Technology that causes my bp to skyrocket (but I'm willing to compromise on this one, lol).


6. I'd like it to be reasonably priced per month... around $5 but I'd pay more for something that works really well.




Edited by foxbridgeacademy
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I use Homeschool Planet and LOVE it.   It's $65 per year so slightly above your budget, but I'm pretty sure it can do everything you are looking for.


I'm not sure what you're asking for in #1, but I can try to answer each of your requests in terms of what HSP can do.   You can add both an assignment for a particular class (or as many assignments for that class as you'd like, with a checkbox to mark when it's done), and can also add notes with more details.   


You can link web pages through the notes.   I haven't used this feature but I've seen it in the notes section.


You can specify grading categories for each class.   For example, my DS's history this year will be graded based on 10% homework, 50% quizzes, 20% maps, and 20% timeline.   You can set up whatever categories you wish to use, and they can vary for every class (and every student).


I have found it very easy to navigate.   It does take a lot of time to front-load all of the assignments, but I try to get the entire year's assignments input over the summer except for outsourced classes, and then add those weekly or as often as the teachers send assignments.   My DS inputs his own assignments for those outsourced classes, so he manages everything on his own. 


One bonus to HSP that I've used this year.....my DD will be doing some of the exact courses/assignments that DS did two years ago (which was the first year we used HSP).   I was able to copy entire classes from DS's 2015-2016 school year to DD's 2017-2018 school year, then make a few minor changes based on a handful of different reading assignments.   What would have taken me days or weeks to input took just a few minutes.   That's worth the cost of the program to me.


If you are interested in seeing how I use it more specifically, feel free to PM me and I can send you some screen shots.

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I also use homeschool-planet. You can drag and drop a class for a one time change in class time (so for the one day you want the class to be at 10 instead of 2. But you go in and edit the course to set the time for all classes. It shows it very visually. Otherwise I think it covers your wishes well.


I have linked a website to assignments and also a document to read or mp3. Works great!


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Thanks, I spent several hours looking at all the choice (except HSTracker since no free trial :glare: ) and decided Homeschool Planet is too difficult for me to figure out... computers/programs and I usually don't get along.  Seriously, I tried for over an hour trying to input DS's math and could never figure it out, I was about in tears.  I like HS Manager the best (it's really easy) except it doesn't have a student login.  I think I'm going to go with HS Minder which is similar to the other one except it does have a student log in.  The thing it doesn't have that HS Planet does is that students can not input their own info.  I'd like if the kids could enter their own grades from online work or stuff they self grade. 

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