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I'm glad I didn't give him a tonsure but I still should have known better.

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Ds (8) is being Martin Luther for Halloween. He's incredibly excited about it and thinks that Martin Luther was one of the greatest men alive. He wanted me to give him a tonsure (I think I'm getting the term correct - you know, the monk hair cut with the top of the head shaved?). Dh said no way. So, as a compromise I told him we'd cut his hair straight across and shave the back and sides so he basically looks like he has a tonsure but without the top part shaved.


Ds is, how shall we say it...one who doesn't enjoy change and who is also rather sensitive to things that don't feel right. So, I'm cutting his hair and he's excited and wants me to hurry up and shave the back of it. Then he starts getting antsy because there's hair *on* him so he starts jerking around and grimacing and getting wiggly. I finish shaving and I start making sure the part I've cut is straight. I ran one edge of the scizzors along his head just above the ear to catch the hairs that I had missed and he reacted as if I'd sliced the top of his ear off. I apologized and he allowed me to finish snipping.


Then he looked in the mirror. Then he looked at the back of his head in the mirror. Then he began to cry. Then I assured him that it wouldn't take long to grow back, he asked how long, I said probably two weeks - and he started to cry again.


I should have known that a drastic haircut would be traumatic for him, even if he was asking for it. Poor guy - I feel bad now. I'm sure glad we didn't go for a full tonsure!

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LOL! Poor guy. They do make costume bald caps with a tonsure in the "corona" style.


Tonsure can actually be done two ways. One is knows as the corona, that's the bald pate that most are familiar with.


The other is to remove five locks of hair from the head in the form of a cross.


If you want, I can post links to pictures of monks today who sport the corona, if it might help him feel better. Poor guy.

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