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CW Homer Questions


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I thought I had my writing trajectory all planned out. Really I did. Then I stumbled across the complete used set of CW Aesops and Homer for a song and couldn't pass them up. I figured I would read the manuals to orient myself more around the teachings of the progymnasmata before passing it along to a friend who might need it down the road. I read through the Aesops core manual and fell in love with it. I also have Writing Tales and Writing and Rhetoric Fable that I have read through. CW just resonated more with me and now I really want to use it instead.


Then I moved on to Homer...oh my...that is one dense core manual! Here are my questions...


1. Anyone successfully do Homer without buying Harvey ' s Elementary Grammar? Would Rod and Staff suffice?


2. Is Mary Daly's Book of Whole Diagrams truly necessary?


3. Has anyone used CW Aesops, W&R Narrative and then bounced back to CW for Herodotus, Plutarch etc?


4. If you did successfully make it through Homer, how did your students do with it? What type of student do you think does best with it or what type of student do you think would have the most difficulty?


5. If you used CW did you have any other writing program going on simultaneously or did you feel CW is perfectly adequate and does what it says it will do? For example, would you find that using Killgallon or any other supplement overkill or worthwhile?


6. Lastly, it says it takes about an hour total 4 days per week. Does this seem accurate? Anyone stretch it out over more weeks and shorten the sessions?


Feel free to answer one or two or all :) I know that is alot!

Edited by nixpix5
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I'm literally about to sit down with my homer and see if I can get my head around it lol. We did primer and aesop and I liked it a lot. We did WTM and poetry writing in between.


There are some old threads somewhere... I will see if I can find them.

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I'm literally about to sit down with my homer and see if I can get my head around it lol. We did primer and aesop and I liked it a lot. We did WTM and poetry writing in between.


There are some old threads somewhere... I will see if I can find them.

Thank you! That is one lofty core right!? I read through a chunk of it this morning and it is so interesting that I definitely don't mind reading it but yikes! I was a classics minor and it had my head spinning a bit. Maybe if I start working on it now by the time my kids get there it won't seem so daunting :)

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