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Evan Moor Read and Understand Poetry


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We have a couple of these and I like them well enough.  There is some great info in them and they are pretty easy to use.  The poems are decent and it is easier than trying to find my own when I want to touch on a specific element.  We used the comprehension questions as discussion points.  We have never really used them consistently though, I just kind of toss them in to a unit when it works for me.  I think they'd make a great morning activity and will probably use them in that manner at some point. 

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Basically, what Jess4879 said. We used it a while ago, but it kept getting put on the back burner. It was good, useful, interesting, just not captivating enough to do consistently for us at that time. With the boys a few years older now, thanks for the reminder, as it is a pretty good poetry study (the parts and types of poems, not the classic poems), so might pick it up again.

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Thanks for your thoughts. I went ahead and ordered it. Since the books are recommended for a couple of grade levels (I ordered grade 2-3), I think we will work on one poem for two weeks... completing the lessons and memorizing.

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