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Does this sound reasonable? (Brave Writer plans)


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I am looking to combine Brave Writer Arrow guides with Faltering Ownership for my rising 5th grader. (We just finished WWE 3 and are taking a "break" year before beginning WWS in 6th grade.)


My understanding is that The Arrow is a complete language arts program, but I think my daughter would really enjoy the larger-scale, in-depth writing projects in FO. But it seems crazy/impossible to try to do 10 Arrows in a year PLUS the 12 projects in FO. So, does it seem reasonable, schedule-wise, to select, say, 5 novels and corresponding Arrow guides, and then select 5 FO projects to make up an entire school year of language arts? I would plan to blend them; for example, we would read a novel/do the corresponding Arrow, then do a FO project. Then we'd start over again: read a new novel/do that corresponding Arrow, then a new FO project, and so on through the year. (We will also be continuing Poetry Teatime, AAS, and cherry-picking some stuff from FLL3.) I haven't used any curricula from Brave Writer before (though I own and have read TWJ), so I'm just curious to know if that plan makes sense/sounds doable, or if there's something about this that wouldn't work. (Too much? Too little? That sort of thing...)


For budgeting purposes, I like to buy all the curriculum I plan to use for the year in one go, so I'd love to be able to pick my five Arrows, throw that in my cart alongside FO, and be done planning language arts for the year. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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The Arrow doesn't include writing, so it's not crazy to do both Arrows and FO.


You could definitely do 5 arrows and 5 FO projects.  You could really do both an Arrow a month and a FO project a month.


Okay, this is helpful, thank you! (I thought the Arrows had a writing activity every month??) So maybe I will get a few more Arrows or just do more FO projects than I thought I could....

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The Arrows have a brief writing activity every month, typically something that can be completed in a single sitting. For example, Just So Stories covers invented language and has you write a paragraph including some of your own invented words. One of the others included an activity on topic selection for writing. It is a brief exercise to complement the book chosen.


Faltering Ownership (and Partnership Writing) have in depth writing projects that are meant to be spread out over an entire month.


Partnership Writing is the one I have at hand. Here's the sample routine/schedule for mid-year in that one:


Week One: Topic selection and research

Week Two: First draft

Week Three: Revision

Week Four: Mechanics Mop-up/polishing final draft


In general, the BW weekly schedule for this time is:

Monday: copywork from The Arrow

Tuesday: Poetry teatime

Wednesday: switches between copywork, forms of dictation, word games, movies

Thursday: switches between: read about the literary element, identify element in other works, doing the Arrow writing element, art or nature study

Friday: freewriting

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The Arrows have a brief writing activity every month, typically something that can be completed in a single sitting. For example, Just So Stories covers invented language and has you write a paragraph including some of your own invented words. One of the others included an activity on topic selection for writing. It is a brief exercise to complement the book chosen.


Faltering Ownership (and Partnership Writing) have in depth writing projects that are meant to be spread out over an entire month.


Partnership Writing is the one I have at hand. Here's the sample routine/schedule for mid-year in that one:


Week One: Topic selection and research

Week Two: First draft

Week Three: Revision

Week Four: Mechanics Mop-up/polishing final draft


In general, the BW weekly schedule for this time is:

Monday: copywork from The Arrow

Tuesday: Poetry teatime

Wednesday: switches between copywork, forms of dictation, word games, movies

Thursday: switches between: read about the literary element, identify element in other works, doing the Arrow writing element, art or nature study

Friday: freewriting


Thank you for this!! I really appreciate the time you took to jot this all down!

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I have not used BW yet, but we will be using it next year. So take this with a grain of salt! LOL  But from what I have seen, the amount of work for the Arrow literature guides and the FO writing projects is not overwhelming.  I don't think it would be unreasonable to do 10 of each, or at least the 10 Arrow guides and then half of the FO writing projects.  (My kids are going to be involved in local BW classes next year.  They are doing all 10 literature selections and I think half of the writing projects for their respective levels.)  Good luck!

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