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Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus

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Does anyone know how different the old versions are from the new versions?  The old versions were authored by Foley & Bagley and published by Trillium Press.  The new versions are authored by Myrna Kemnitz and published by Royal Fireworks.  I've gathered that Trillium Press was an predecessor of RFWP, but for the books, did they just add questions for novels offered by RFWP?

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Amazon says they are completely revised from the original material. It appears that RFWP novels are added, but I would assume the whole guide has changes from this description: https://www.amazon.com/Suppose-Wolf-Were-Octopus-Grades/dp/0880926376/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1499177958&sr=8-8&keywords=suppose+the+wolf+were+an+octopus


It also says:



This completely revised 2014 Edition, for grades 5 and 6, has additional questions at the higher level of thinking for each of the works of literature listed below. 


Bloom's Taxonomy is mentioned as well, so maybe it is revised to explicitly follow Bloom's Taxonomy.

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