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Latina Christiana I - Did I see they are re-doing this book?


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LOL!!! I never thought to look at the date!!!!! Someone must have posted something on the end of that thread and popped it back to the top again. :) Ooops!!!


I just got done purchasing some stuf used only to find out there were newer editions, then I saw that thread and thought I had done it again!

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Understand, my kids do not think of this as a "game" book....But, retention is just so much better with it. For the new version:


Each lesson still starts with a basic Word Search.


There is a new activity called "Parse Strings" which is a matching game. Words that are in various declensions and conjugations are on the left, and the parsing is on the right (ie: gentivie plural neuter; 2nd person, plural, future). My 4th grader is a whiz at this - so much faster than I.


The Derivatives Crosswords now have a box at the bottom that list extra derivatives not found in the Teacher's Guide. (And, the words in the crossword are either in the Teacher's Guide or in the box of extra words. Big tear-saver here!)


I don't know if the Grammar Crosswords have been re-done themselves, or if they're just easier for my son to do because the Parse Strings has already drilled the endings. (Or, if they're just easier for this son than the first!)


The LCII goes a step further, and has Derivative matching games and translation games (start with a simple sentence; replace one word at a time, until you have a new sentence with the same structure), it has charts to fill in of declensions and conjugations, and the word searches are more complex (can be any form of the basic word, and only the english translation of the stem is given). Surprisingly, :rolleyes:, this book seems to be misplaced at the moment - but I think that's all.


Again, my kids don't ask to do these! But, they aren't complaining about it this year, and I don't have to help them with it anymore. And, they are *fast* at knowing which ending to put on the stems. (I have to do the chants, they are getting to the point that they do not.)




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There is a new activity called "Parse Strings" which is a matching game. Words that are in various declensions and conjugations are on the left, and the parsing is on the right (ie: gentivie plural neuter; 2nd person, plural, future). My 4th grader is a whiz at this - so much faster than I.


Isn't that the truth; my boys are much faster at parsing too. I'm thankful for the teacher's manual; parsing is definitely not second nature to me...yet.


Thank you for such a detailed message. The Parse Strings addition sounds like a good improvement to the program. I think I'll look into purchasing this again when my 3rd son gets around to LCI & II.

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I'm planning on doing Henle next year (sight unseen - just going by various reviews). Just curious what you're using if how you've found the transition.







FYI. Martin Cothran from Memoria Press told me that MP's new middle school program--First Form Latin--may be out by this Fall. This would take the place of Henle I and would be geared to the middle school student. I'm eagerly awaiting news of the release. Rumor has it that there will be dvds and other goodies too, but I don't know about a release date for that.

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We've been learning Latin for the last three years. I am increasingly feeling like we need to take a break from it to focus on some other subjects due to time constraints. I do not want to lose the progress we have made since I do intend to continue past LCII into something else. Could we use the Ludere book to stay fresh with our cuurent knowledge for a year or so and then pick up where we left off fairly easily?



April in WA

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FYI. Martin Cothran from Memoria Press told me that MP's new middle school program--First Form Latin--may be out by this Fall. This would take the place of Henle I and would be geared to the middle school student. I'm eagerly awaiting news of the release. Rumor has it that there will be dvds and other goodies too, but I don't know about a release date for that.


but I agree that sounds like a good deal for my younger son. I'm was thinking I may stretch LCII out over two years for him (5th and 6th gr), but he is really doing so much better than I would have imagined.


Anyway, it would be nice to have the option! :)

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