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I'd like to try Kombucha, but can't have caffeine. Is there another way? Thanks! nt

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Kombucha for some time now (not every day but perhaps once/twice a week) and I never heard that there is caffeine in it.

Are you sure? Are we talking about the same thing?

The Kombucha I am referring to is made from a mushroom and a slow fermenting process.


I think I have a bottle left, I am going to check now.

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from what I've read, the SCOBY eats all the caffeine and sugar, and you are left with the same amount of caffeine as a cup of decaf tea, so if you can drink that, you should be able to drink Kombucha.


I've also heard of people making it with green tea, which has much less caffeine.

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You can make it with decaffeinated black or green tea. You cannot make it with herbal "tea." Well, I know there are some people who have managed to culture herbal "tea" but it's not the same thing, and the SCOBY needs certain chemicals that are found in black/green/white tea for survival.


When you say that you can't have caffeine, what do you mean? What happens if you consume some? Can you have a tiny amount, or absolutely none...ever?

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I can't have caffeine because I am HIGHLY sensitive to it. If I had a quarter cup of caffeinated tea in the morning, I wouldn't be able to sleep that night. Dark chocolate even does this to me. However, mercifully, milk chocolate isn't so bad! I stick to herbal teas, but I could do decaf tea, especially if the mushroom would take most of any remaining caffeine out.


Has anyone here had any noticeable results in any way with the kombucha?

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You mean health benefits?


My dh has been suffering from what I affectionately call 'stress stomach' for over a month now. Digestion problems due to lots of stress, long hours at work, too much work/not enough time, etc. He's been to the Dr., but nothing she suggested helped him.


I started him drinking Kombucha last week, and he says his stomach hasn't bothered him since day 2. For me, I have painful and heavy periods, and I have read many blogs where women say that Kombucha has helped tremendously, so I will have to wait another week or so to see what happens.

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