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Sophie the vet...dog knee question

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Sophie, you once said you enjoy this sort of questioning, so I hope I'm not bothering you!!!


I have a 6yo Aussie that had TPLO surgery for a ruptured CCL last May. His recovery was fine, but x-rays showed he already had a bit of arthritis in that knee. He was just coming off exercise restrictions when he had an accident and ran full blast into a big wooden cage outside one night. Now he's limping badly and back on exercise restrictions. X-rays show some fluid around the knee, and the diagnosis is soft tissue injury. He has complete recovery from the surgery and the two are not supposed to be related.


This poor dog has gone from running half the day, catching frisbees, and getting ready to train for agility, to now being leashed to my living room table in an effort to keep him quiet. He seems OK during the day but at night, he is barely weight bearing on that leg. I've already spent between $4-5K on this one issue and I'm at my wits' end.


I don't know what to do next. I really can't afford to keep going to the specialist. He was on Deramaxx, short-term, maybe he needs a lomg term dosage? We've also switched his food to one with glucosamine. Any suggestions?

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