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Visual Latin vs. Latin for Children for 5th and 7th Graders

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My boys have done about 1/2 of Getting Started with Latin and I want to continue with a video-based program next year. I was all set on Visual Latin since we used Dwayne Thomas' Word Up vocabulary lessons and the boys really liked him. They DID NOT like the look of the Latin for Children Primer A videos (they were somewhat dated and kind of hokey) so I nixed that option completely.


Until yesterday, when I saw that LFC Primer A has been completely revised. The text looks so much better and easier to follow. The videos are now in HD and look to be much better quality. 


I'm starting to wonder whether VL will be a stretch for my 5th grader in particular and if we should go the LFC route this year after all. 


Anyone have an opinion to share? 

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We haven't done LFC, but we used MP Latina Christiana for awhile. We switched to Visual Latin this year and my kids have loved it!!! It was mostly for the benefit of my 6th and 3rd grader but by kindergartner had a blast watching it too and starting picking up a lot. Though my third gender is technically too young to be doing VL (says the VL people), she really did ok. But we have only done 11 weeks/lessons. It was perfect for my 6th grader.

It really turned Latin from drudgery to fun and exciting!!!! I highly recommend it!

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I used Visual Latin with a fifth and seventh grader. Now my younger is my gifted one.... both kids loved it. Out of the thirty lessons we got to somewhere around 25.... it was getting quite difficult at that point. We planned to continue it the next year, but, well, didn't. I keep hoping to pick it up again.

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My almost 11-year-old (will be 6th grade next year) did a few lessons of Visual Latin at the end of 5th grade.  He did switch from Latin for Children A of which he had done about 1/3 of the book.  He found Visual Latin easy to understand and not nearly so random and much, much more fun than Latin for Children.  We'll be continuing with Visual Latin next school year.

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