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Apple Watch, again


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I know we've had lots of threads about the Apple Watch but the search feature here really stinks.


I'm thinking about getting DH one as a gift. I know nothing. Do I need to get it through our cell phone provider? Is the second generation the one I should get? Any advice is appreciated!

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You don't need to buy from your cell provider, and I would get the most current generation. Whether you need (or he wants) the series 1 or series 2 depends on whether you need the GPS feature. I have the series 2 because I use my watch as my running watch. HTH!

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Tasha is right - you don't need to get it through your cell phone provider.  Apple occasionally will have refurbished apple watches pop up in their on line store - there is a cost savings (though not huge) and you get the same warranty as if you were buying new.  You can add Apple Care whether you buy new or refurbished.


I got the series 2 because I liked that it sounded somewhat more water proof / water resistant than series 1 and the GPS feature.  I also think buying the latest version of whatever Apple has is usually the way to go because it will be supported longer if that makes sense.

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