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Mystery of History long term schedule?


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I'm considering starting MOH for our history but am wondering how that looks in a few years.  My kids are ds13, d11, and ds8.  I'm mainly wondering about the older two and how the four vols. will play out as they approach high school.


Has anyone used these in this capacity (infringing into the high school years)?  And what do you label these as on a transcript if so?


Ds13 is entering somewhere between 7th and 8th and dd11 is entering 6th.  If I can get ds up to speed in his LA I'll probably call him 8th by the fall.


So, for him:


7th/8th - vol. 1

8th/9th - vol. 2

9th/10th - vol. 3

10th/11th - vol. 4

11th/12th - area of choice or other????


For her:


6th - vol. 1

7th - vol. 2

8th - vol. 3

9th - vol. 4

10th, 11th, & 12th - ????


And I guess ds8 will have a whole other game plan given his age.  Could he rotate through them again but doing the more advanced work?


Thank you in advance for any help with this. :)



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I don't know that this is advice for your situation per se, but I'll tell you how we've used them. :)


We didn't do the activities or maps, we just read and discussed and had an extensive reading list for each age group that went along with the lessons. We did history 4 times/week and covered Volumes 1, 2, and 3 over 2 years.


Year 1 was ancients through the fall of Rome

9th, 7th, 5th, 1st

9th grader also did World History Detective for written output and some outside reading on world religions, called it Ancient World History on his transcript. 7th and 5th graders kept timelines and read K12 Human Odyssey about a chapter/week and wrote a written summary. 1st grader colored and did a short narration.


Year 2 was Medieval period through the discovery of the Americas

10th, 8th, 6th, 2nd

Same as above pretty much. 10th grader wrote a few papers (called it Medieval and Renaissance World History on his transcript). 8th and 6th graders did some power point presentations.


Year 3 was the first part of Volume 4 through the Civil War

11th, 9th, 7th, 3rd

High schoolers needed a change and Volume 4 is pretty meaty and over the 3rd graders head so we stopped doing history together (*sniff! *) but 7th grader continued with MOH and HO with some iCivics for government thrown in. 3rd grader focused on American history with a more elementary level text.


Year 4 8th grader will finish out Volume 4 and HO and do some economics reading. 4th grader will finish her elementary text. High schoolers will still be on their own.


All of that is a reeeeeealllly long way of saying that MOH is really great and it's a fantastic read aloud and sparked many memorable discussions, but it may be more difficult than you think to keep them all together. Sorry for being long winded! :)


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Oh, wow! Thank you for such a detailed answer and for sharing how MOH worked in your family. I see how trying to keep them together can prove to be difficult. We are currently using Notgrass and I have the older two using America the Beautiful. I have the same question about how to schedule that if we were to stick with it. I like the Notgrass but MOH just looks really interesting.


I'd love to figure out what our high school plans will be and then reverse engineer the next 2-3 years. Is that possible? 🤔 😄


Thank you again!

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We used MOH in high school, and it really can work out well. They are all World History courses, and you can label them by the time periods. I've written quite a bit on my blog about what we've done (4 posts on using MOH with Sonlight, and one on Notgrass Government with Sonlight)--here's a link to my history posts


You can rotate through MOH again and do different activities and supplemental reading etc... Have fun with it!

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