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Making More Friends

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This may sound weird but I'd like some ideas on places, groups, & activities that have friend-making prospects. My 7 yr old is an only child & yearns for more social contact with peers. She's in public school & has friends there (along with girl scouts) but aside from a few gals, it's hard to make more consistent & deeper connections. It seems everyone's so busy & over-scheduled, so much so that free play time has fallen to the wayside. Is 4H a good option? Any ideas? It's kinda exhausting looking for playmates all the time!

Edited by Earthmerlin
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My daughter's not only an only child but she tends to be quiet & shy in new situations or crowded ones. This means it takes time for her to 'warm up' & by then she may have missed the social pairings up (if that makes sense). With summer approaching & a long stretch of interrupted social prospects, I'm already trying to figure out which of her buddies will be around to play. It's like a part-time job, this social organizing!

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Church, 4H, the local park, or indoor play places. Or if you live near water (we are by Panama City, so there are lots of kids at the beach, rivers, springs). At age 7, my kids would be best friends with other kids they'd never met before. When we would leave, they didn't even remember the other child's name, but they had the best time ever.

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Yes, normally I'm pretty quiet & laid-back but am social & active nonethelss. I can therefore easily set up play dates & activities in advance. However, I've had a draining job the past 2 years & a VERY rough time this past year so I'm beat through & through. This is why I'm loving a looong summer vacation. I suppose we'll muddle through it socially. It's just that sometimes it becomes forced labor, if you know what I mean. There seems to be a lot of strategy involved--did my parents do the same? I feel like we were more 'free-range' kids (LOL, in today's parlance) & parenting didn't really include 'social organizer' in its job description. So it goes...



For those of you involved in 4H, is it truly a social outlet? I know it's got a higher purpose (which would mesh w/ our family) but before I consider another endeavor, is it a reasonably socially bonding experience?


Also, for those w/ kids that are ahead of the curve & have a sincere penchant for learning--what socially-based group(s) do you recommend? I've got a kid who quotes Shakespeare & talks of Beethoven & Archimedes & makes her own math books. This, while overall endearing & undoubtedly desirable (in both the short & long term) does NOT make for social facility. I'd like to connect w/ like-minded kids who'll be satisfied w/ intellectually-based play....but where to start?

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